Sunday, January 25, 2009

EWR: Twelve Twelve Nothing Rhymes With Twelve!

Kinda like orange. Nothing rhymes with orange.

Welcome to the January 25, 2009 edition of Everything Worth Reading! I'm fresh off my break during which I flew to Mexico. Ole. It rained, it was windy, and then the dengue fever set in. I'm happy to be home and in my comfort zone of blogging.

Rani presents How to write a short story- Rough draft Thus Far posted at Rayray's writing.

JennH presents Still Holding Her Hand posted at Mixed, saying, "A fictional story about a nervous bride."

Tony Huynh presents Roger Ebert is Right: Games are Not High Art…Yet at posted at, saying, "Some of you may have heard about Roger Ebert’s disparaging comments about video games. This may sound blasphemous, but in a way, I agree with Roger Ebert’s assessment of our industry. Video games are currently not high art and they are an inferior medium to film and literature. I am not saying that video games can never be “high art,” it is that games have not yet reached that point."

The most I know about video games is that I rock at Dance Dance Revolution on Wii.

John Duke presents The penny dish posted at OrangeHornet>.

Two cents on one cent. I crack myself up.

Josanne Anthony presents The Elderly in the United States posted at Brilliant Babblings.

Three cheers for old people!

Kate presents My Infamous Seat Belt Ticket and Run-in with Mr. Sexy Cop posted at Advice on Love, Life, and Everything Between, saying, "A funny story about a run in with a handsome cop"

OMG! Hil. Air. Eee. Us!!! Heh heh. Mr. Sexy Cop. Kate, we should totally hang out some time. Missed Post of the Month by a smidge!

Vihar Sheth presents I Can See Clearly Now posted at Vihar Sheth.

More than just a mother presents Waiting Room posted at More than just a mother.

Jim Murdoch presents No one belongs here more than you posted at The Truth About Lies, saying, "An in depth review of Miranda July's short story collection, 'No one belongs here more than you'."

I usually don't include book reviews, but I also have reviewed July's book on Livin' The Dream, so I like to show others' opinions.

Steve Faber presents Belly Fat Loser » Wii Fit Games – Making Fat Loss Fun? posted at Belly Fat Loser.

I'm wondering if losing chub also means gaining a tan. You'll know what I mean when you check out the post.

Tom Tessin presents Window or Aisle Seat? Which Is The Best? posted at FAC Travel Blog, saying, "What seat is truly the best on an airline?"

Having recently come home from a trip to Mexico during which it rained and was cold and then my friend got sick and we had to come home a day late, I'd say that it doesn't matter where you sit, as long as you get home. I usually sit in the middle anyway because I'm little.

Raghu presents The man who was normal posted at Inside Life, saying, "The hospital had never seen such a case before. ...He had no ambitions, didn’t watch football or cricket, wasn’t interested in impressing anyone, didn’t have any ulterior motive, and most baffling of all, just wanted to live his life normally."

Xquisitlife presents Never let go of your dreams! posted at The best is yet to come!, saying, "This blog discusses how to have success when going after your dreams with passion!"

Ginsburg presents Antioxidants: Not what they seem posted at Live Immune.

They seem to be against oxidation. Am I wrong?

Devon Coles presents How I became an axe murderess . . . posted at Pen, Ink. Life's little vicissitudes . . ., saying, "This one is about renewing a driver's license and how changes in the process resulted in some surprising outcomes."

Trisha Wagner presents Are You Waiting For Your Ship to Come in? posted at Empowering Mom.

Tony Huynh presents What Video Games Taught Me About Life at posted at, saying, "Here are some of the life lessons that I have learned from playing video games."

JMH presents Chicken Story posted at The Good Word of Sprout.

Guess what? Chicken butt. Moving on.

MoneyNing presents Do You Switch “Frugal Mode” On When You Come Back from Vacation? posted at Money Ning, saying, "Lots of people seem to agree that they act different during vacation. What about you?"

Again, because of recent events, I simply switch to "please God let me digest this properly mode."

Vanessa Wolf presents A word to the Somali pirates posted at Wide Awake in Wonderland.

I feel that an "arg" here would be highly inappropriate so I'll forgo my temptation.

ben presents Youthful Ambitions posted at Head Wide Open.

Ben mentions singing along with Whitesnake. Ben is awesome. Congrats--your 80s hair rock reference has made this our Post Of The Month.

P.L. Frederick presents Everything I Learned From My Cat: A Blueprint To A Happy Life posted at Small and Big, saying, "When we wanna be, we humans are apt pupils. (Warning: sometimes important stuff contains poop.)"

More often than sometimes.

john c erianne presents It's the Journal, Not the Destination posted at Diary of a Mad Editor.

Jon Chambers presents The Illusion of Time (Article) posted at The Mind Of Jon.

Posie Rider presents Posie Rider: Sally, or an Independent Woman. Chapter 2 posted at Posie Rider, saying, "Here' s my latest offering to my literary mistresses on high! It's a working title. I was thinking 'A Womb of Her Own' but I'm too not sure. It's basically a pastiche of chick lit, a genre I totally subvert in this incredibly probing work."

Beth Mancuso presents Lithum posted at Manic Mother.

Magic little pills with smiley faces.

Fred Omorogbe presents The Retro Journey Begins: A Poet’s Poetic Sojourn posted at Motivational People Soul Search Poetry With Money Making Reviews and Tips, saying, "A poetic journey into the mind, life and times of an everyday poet."

Kathryn presents The Zen of Travel and the Problem with Travel Writing posted at Real Words, saying, "How the hassles of a bad travel experience reminded me that travel writing might not be the type of writing that is right for me."

All these travel posts could have been helpful BEFORE my Mexican disaster.

Kakie presents Anna Goes Hiking posted at Bur Bur & Friends: Community Park, saying, "Two moms found a unique niche in children's books and decided to fill it. This is the fourth book in the award winning children's book series, Bur Bur and Friends."

Keith Carlson presents Grammar School posted at Fiction, Prose & Ephemera, saying, "Thanks!"

Not about grammar per se but still a good read.

Madeleine Begun Kane presents A Valiant Guy’s Guide To Valentine’s Day posted at Mad Kane's Humor Blog.

Dana presents Is blogging killing communication? posted at Principled Discovery.

Perish the thought.

English Subject presents Learn English - English Speaking Tutorial » Blog Archives » Understanding English Language Contractions posted at English Tutorial, saying, "As if English wasn't complicated enough already, you'll eventually be faced with the challenge of throwing in contractions."

Heh heh. I just taught a semester long grammar class and now even I'm confused.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Everything Worth Reading using our carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for including my short story! This is a wonderful Carnival offering lots of great reads.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much for including my short story rough draft.

Devon Coles said...

How nifty is this! Great carnival and I'm tickled pink to be included.
So much good reading here, well done everyone!

Hilary Kay said...

Thanks so much for including my funny store with Mr. Sexy Cop:) It is hilarious now but at the time I was mortified! I really enjoyed the carnival. There are a lot of good posts on here. Keep up the good work!

Hilary Kay aka Kate

Improvedliving said...

Great carnival indeed.

The Blogging Park

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for including my 'waiting room' piece. It was a departure from the norm for me (my blog is a rather irreverant one) so it's lovely to see it given an audience :)

Freddie said...

Enjoyed my visit here, great posts all round... thanks for including mine too. Sure hope it doesn't rain when I visit Mexico in a month :).